It’s been three weeks since our return from Gettysburg and it seems we can talk of nothing else. If I had the time and money I would hop a plane and head back tonight. Gettysburg was an eye opener for me on so many levels. I grew up in a family that loved history. My grandmother was full of stories and you can blame her for my love of all things historical. So it was only natural that Gettysburg’s triple whammy of natural beauty, rich history, and paranormal activity, second to none, would  have me reluctant to leave. I want to go back so bad I can hardly stand it.

                So here I sit staring out into the dreary dust covered sage brush wondering why I had to come back at all. Oh yeah, real life. But they can’t take my dreams right? We started our little paranormal team almost two years ago and here in Central Oregon have struggled to find our place in the paranormal world. The spirits have forsaken the desert for greener haunts. Who can blame them? These days, it’s all I can think about!  We have found a few lonely ghosts to talk to us now and again but by and large the high chaparral is a quiet place when it comes to the “other side.”

                We left Gettysburg with enough evidence to convince an army of skeptics of at least the possibility that there is life beyond that which exists in the flesh as we know it. I was one of those skeptics. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a non-believer, I just wasn’t sure what I believed. I had been told my whole life that any spirit I came into contact with was demonic and that humans didn’t have souls and when they died, they died, that was it. The concept that the world was filled with spirits of dead humans haunting houses and graveyards whether as intelligent entities or residual energies was something very foreign to me. Now it’s a concept I can understand, one I can embrace. And now strangely, death is something that is not to be feared as much as it used to be.

                I look for answers, not in the traditional sense, but in the way one reaches over in the middle of the night to see if their significant other is still there.  Just knowing something awaits us on the other side gives us enough strength to deal with the grief of losing loved ones and with our own mortality. In a world where nothing is guaranteed it’s good to know that this life is not all there is. That’s why I investigate the Paranormal.

                I am still a skeptic. I don’t care much for orbs. I have a hard time with faces in windows if you can’t see them clearly, and for crying out loud, if you have to circle the apparition and draw an arrow pointing to the circle and it still can’t be made out it’s probably not there! Let it go. I like evidence that’s clear and undeniable. But then again, who doesn’t?

                I love what I am doing now, the things I am learning, and the new journeys I am taking. I am looking forward to the next few years and where they will take me. I am glad I have my wife to take this journey with me as I can’t picture me on this road without her.



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