As paranormal investigators it is always exciting to find that little bit of evidence that makes the hunt worthwhile. Even more exciting is when evidence is backed up by the findings of others.

This last August we had the privilege of visiting Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (evidence can be found on investigation page or by clicking here). We collected only one EVP in the penitentiary of a particularly mad voice saying the name Michael.  

A few short weeks ago we pulled out the episode of “Ghost Adventures” in which they investigated Eastern State Pen (Season 2, episode 6). Imagine our surprise when they told the story of Michael T. Doran (starting at 4 minutes 30 seconds) who was an officer of Eastern State in the 1830’s. He was beaten to death by an inmate who had apparently gone mad after spending too much time in solitary confinement.

Since Michael is a fairly common name we didn’t get too excited until later in the episode when Nick Groff is doing an investigation at the exact location at which the officer was killed. He catches a high-pitched voice saying, “Nick.” The voice says Nick’s name twice indicating an intelligent haunting rather than a residual energy (37m18s and 39m40s).

The voice that says “Nick” is the exact same voice we recorded saying, “Hey Michael.” However, we caught the voice in Cell Block 5, not at the location of the murder. Was Cell Block 5 where the murderer, Joseph, returned to his cell to take a nap? Earlier in the same episode they interviewed a man who reported catching a high-pitched voice on repeated occasions within the prison walls (11m00s). 

We were very excited to not only receive corroboration of our evidence, but to validate the evidence of the Ghost Adventures crew. 

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